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The 50 most important questions asked in a job interview in Canada

The 50 most important questions asked in a job interview in Canada

Getting an interview simply means that you have provided yourself with a platform to prove your suitability for the job. The hard work starts here. Practice talking to yourself out loud in front of friends as this will allow you to feel comfortable, but most importantly prepare yourself to answer potential interview questions

tell me about yourself

Keep your answer for a minute or two. Don't walk around. Use your resume summary as a starting point

What do you know about our company?

Spend some time researching the company and preparing for interview questions about it. Find out as much as you can about the company: the date it was founded, the number of employees it has, the annual profits….let the interviewer tell you about the company as well.

 Why do you want to work for us?

Don't talk about what you want, first talk about their needs. You wish to be part of a particular corporate project; You want to solve the company's problem; You can make a specific contribution to the goals of a particular company

What can you add to us in the company? What can you do that no one else can do?

Refer to past experiences that show that you have successfully resolved past employer problems that may be similar to those of a potential employer

 What do you find more attractive/less attractive about the job offered?

List three or more attractive factors and only one unattractive factor

Why should we hire you?

Because of your knowledge, experience, abilities and skills

What are you looking for in this job?

A chance to use your skills, perform and get recognition

How long will you stay with us?

Focus on showing your employer that you are in Canada for the long-term. Tell them that you intend to stay and build your career in Canada

Do you generally talk to people before they talk to you?

depends on the situation

what is the last book you have read? A movie you watched? A sporting event you attended?

Talk about books, sports, or movies to show that you have a balance in your life. Interview questions like these give a glimpse into your personality, so try to be positive

What is the hardest part of the job for you?

be honest. Remember, not everyone can do everything

 Are you creative?

Yes, give examples

How would you describe your personality?


Are you a leader?

Yes, give examples

What are your future goals?

Avoid “I want the job you advertised.” Instead, set long-term goals

What are your strengths?

Give at least three and associate them with the company and job you are interviewing for

If you could start your career again, what would you do differently?

Don't give the impression that you will regret it

What career options do you have at the moment?

Don't answer that this is your only chance

How would you describe the essence of success? According to your definition of success, how successful have you been so far?

Think carefully about your answer and relate it to your professional accomplishments

If you spoke with your former manager, what would he say about your greatest strengths and weaknesses?

Emphasize skills - don't get too passive about your weaknesses. It is always safer to identify a lack of skills as an area for improvement rather than a defect.

Can you work under pressure, deadlines, etc.?

Yes, this is the nature of work

 What problems did you solve in your previous job?

Keep it brief, don't brag.

 Don't you feel like you might be better off in a different sized company? A different type of company?

Depends on the job

How do you resolve conflicts in your team?

 The issues are discussed privately.

What was the hardest decision you've ever made?

Try to link your answer to a possible work situation

In your current or last position, what are your top 5 accomplishments?

Refer to the main accomplishments already identified on your resume.

 How to answer the question: What are your weaknesses?

The interviewer will not be swayed by classics like "I'm a slave to my job" or "I'm a workaholic."

You sit face to face with the person you want to impress, your potential boss and he or she asks you, “What are your biggest weaknesses?” This is probably one of the most difficult and most common interview questions, so it's smart to be well prepared with a good answer. Here are some strategies to consider when preparing your answer around your “biggest weakness”

The interviewers don't really care about your weaknesses. The interviewer simply wants to see how you approach the question and what your answer might indicate about you. They also want to know how prepared you are for this question as they should.

be honest. Answer honestly in a way that makes you appear positive. State a real weakness, but don't mention a weakness that will disqualify you from the interview.

Highlight a skill you would like to improve, and most importantly, describe what you do proactively to enhance your skills in that area. Being able to say that you are actively trying to change your weakness into strength. For example, “The area I would like to improve is public speaking, and I just signed up for a Toastmaster course.”

Highlighting an area for improvement shows that you are self-aware. Describing what you do about this weakness shows that you are proactive and seeking to improve your talents.

Identify weaknesses that have nothing to do with your potential job. You can nominate a skill that you may not actually need on the job, such as languages, for example.

Avoid the examples “My problem is I work too hard,” “Pursuit of perfection,” or “I’m a workaholic unable to take lunch breaks.”

behavioral interview questions

Make sure there are examples of dealing with conflict and stressful situations. Some interviewers choose not to ask the “vulnerability” question directly, but to choose it from the perspective of past experience

Behavioral interview questions that highlight shortcomings are: “Tell us about the biggest mistake you made in your career and what you learned from it,” or “Give an example of when you disagreed with your boss or co-worker and how you dealt with it.”

Choose your weakness before the interview. Limit your answer to one weakness and say what you did to overcome it. Overcoming weakness is actually self-development

Being able to discuss your weaknesses also indicates being able to handle constructive criticism without becoming defensive

 If you had only one way to describe yourself, what would it be?

When did you fail?

What is the achievement you are most proud of? why?

What are the characteristics that annoy you in your colleagues?

 How do you use your strength? How do you compensate for your weaknesses?

If I asked your current boss about your greatest strengths, what would he tell me?

If I asked your current boss to tell me one thing you do that drives him crazy, what would he tell me?

 What is the one thing you would like to do better? What is your plan for improvement?

What changes have you made in working with others to become more effective?

What do you think are the most important traits of successful people? How would you rate yourself in those areas?

How do you make decisions?

If you were limited to just one person to get advice and help from, who would you choose? why?

Tell me about a business incident in which you were completely honest, despite the potential risks or downsides.

What would you do if you made an important business decision and challenged your co-worker?

Describe the crisis you faced at work. What was your role? How did you solve that? What were the results?

Describe a time when you were asked to do something you weren't trained to do. How do you deal with that?

Describe which manager will get the best job from you?

 What makes you love coming to work here every day?

 What would you do if management made a decision that you did not agree with?

 What excites you most about this opportunity?

What is your biggest concern about this opportunity?

 If you get the job, how will you get paid?

Is there a question I didn't ask you?

Is there anything you would like to ask us?

It is a good idea to have questions prepared for the end of the interview. He will show an interest in the role and the company. It is not recommended to ask about the package or the salary at this stage. You should focus more on the company and the role you will play in it

Examples of questions may include:

What are the main objectives of the job role?

How does the company expect to achieve these goals?

 What are the obstacles to achieving these goals?

What is the time frame required to reach these goals?

 What does a career hierarchy look like with a job?

 Can I call you to ask more questions?

 What are the biggest challenges facing this position?

How can someone like me contribute to the company?

 What kind of educational background do you look for in your employees?

 What skills and qualities do you value most in your employees?

What types of training do you offer?

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  • باسم جمعه
    باسم جمعه 4/25/2022 5:12 ص


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