آخر الأخبار

أخر الاخبار

تقديم طلب هجرة الى استراليا بطريقة قانونية والحصول على العمل والإقامة


How to apply for immigration to Australia legally and obtain residence?

How to apply for immigration to Australia legally and obtain residence?

In order to apply for immigration to Australia, you must register your data on the complete Australian immigration website. The immigration application is free of charge through the Australian government website, and you can then choose the state you are interested in: Immigration to Australia website 2021

When you enter the official website for immigration to Australia, you must choose the type of visa that suits your application, of course, after expressing your desire to move to work and live in Australia.

So you will have to follow these steps:

First: Determine the type of work you specialize in.

Second: Determining the length of stay for work.

Third: Choose if one of them will sponsor your application or if you are the sponsor.

When you pass the previous steps, you will be directed to work visas, there are about 44 visas for work in Australia, and through your answers will determine which type of visa will suit your application.

What is the easiest way to immigrate to Australia?

As we mentioned earlier, immigration to Australia requires many conditions for your application to be accepted, but you can increase your chances of acceptance by choosing a remote state, do not focus on the large Australian states only and then submit the so-called “expression of interest” through the site.


SkillSelect is a program for people who wish to immigrate to Australia in order to search for work. They do not need a sponsor, but they must prove that they have the necessary skills and qualifications to work in an occupation on the list of occupations required to immigrate to Australia.

To search for a job in Australia, enter the following link:


Then search for the type of work, for example: "electrical engineer in Australia"

Or in the link below the list of jobs required in Australia:

Conditions for immigration to Australia

If you see an advertisement on a site that talks about immigration to Australia 2021 without conditions, know that it is a lie and is not worth a visit and do not waste your precious time in visiting it. But you should be aware that all types of immigration, especially immigration to Australia, require the fulfillment of certain conditions.

As for the degree of difficulty of immigrating to Australia, a skilled worker visa is the easiest way to immigrate to Australia and to increase your chances of obtaining an Australian visa, choose a remote state to help you increase your chance of acceptance. Don't just focus on the big Australian states.

You must pass many procedures correctly most of them are done online and for free, line on word for free please.

In order to obtain an Australian visa, you must meet some important conditions, including:

That the job is specified in the list of professions required by the Ministry of Internal Affairs - Department of Border Protection and Immigration.

Obtaining at least 65 points in the Australian immigration points system.

The age of the candidate should not exceed 45 years.

Have the minimum required language skills. (But you can be exempted from the requirements to prove your English language proficiency if your university or secondary education system is in English)

At the bottom of the article there is a detailed description of the application process and the most important points that you must take into account in order to progress properly, and the most important ways to help obtain citizenship and residence quickly.

Marry an Australian 

But how do I get to know an Australian girl?

Your job is your guide.. There are several methods that you can use to get to know an Australian girl. I will not search for the girl for you, but I will guide you to the methods that most people use to get to know the Courier.

The best way to meet an Australian girl is through dating and social networking sites.

We at Hijra Press have allocated a special category for marriage and dating sites, which you can access from here:

Marriage and dating sites 

Top 5 Australian dating sites in 2021

  1. OK Cupid


2 . https://www.rsvp.com.au/touch/

3 . https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pof.android&hl=ar&gl=US

4. Swindr

5 . Https://www.eharmony.com /

What are the requirements to obtain a Partner 309 visa?

If you can enter into a relationship with an Australian and want to immigrate to Australia with her, you must meet some conditions together, which are:

The partner and the partner must have reached the age of 18

That there is no compulsion to enter into these for both parties.

They have been in a relationship for 12 months or more.

That during this period they had resided together in one house.

To have proof that they live together, such as witnesses, joint bank balance, water and electricity bills, or anything in which their names are together.

The non-Australian partner must pass a personality test and prove that they do not pose any threat to Australia.

It must also pass the Police Check.

To provide medical evidence that he is free of any infectious diseases.

To present a good conduct free of criminal record.

In addition to providing the passport, photos, ID card, increase contracts and known administrative documents.

Pay the visa fee, which is in the range of 6,865 US dollars.

As a reminder, the person who will travel to Australia in this way will not need certificates, work contract, or English language proficiency…

6 تعليقات
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