أخر الاخبار

Everything you need about studying in Russia, papers and costs

تكاليف دراسة الطب في روسيا

تكلفة دراسة الطب في روسيا  
تختلف تكاليف دراسة الطب الطب في روسيا حسب الجامعة الملتحق بها الطالب، هناك قائمة طويلة من الجامعات الطبية في روسيا، ونوضح تكاليف الدراسة في أفضل جامعات الطب في روسيا فيما يلي:

جامعة كازان الطبية الحكومية
تكلفة الدراسة باللغة الإنجليزية في السنة الأولى تبلغ 2800 دولار أمريكي، السنة الثانية إلى السادسة تبلغ 2800 دولار أمريكي، أما في حالة الدراسة باللغة الروسية تبلغ تكلفة السنة الأولى 2000 دولار أمريكي، من السنة الثانية إلى السادسة 1700 دولار أمريكي.

تبلغ رسوم الإقامة 100 دولار أمريكي لكل عام، بالإضافة إلى تكلفة التأمين الطبي التي تبلغ 100 دولار أمريكي أيضًا للعام الواحد.

جامعة فولغوغراد الطبية الحكومية
تكلفة الدراسة باللغة الإنجليزية في السنة الأولى قدرها 3200 دولار أمريكي، السنة الثانية إلى السادسة 3200 دولار أمريكي، أما الدراسة باللغة الروسية في الجامعة تقل تكلفتها لتصل إلى 2000 دولار أمريكي، غير شاملة السكن والتأمين الطبي وغيره.

جامعة روستوف الطبية الحكومية
الدراسة باللغة الإنجليزية في جامعة روستوف الطبية الروسية تقدر تكلفتها في السنة الأولى 7200 دولار أمريكي (شاملة الرسوم الدراسية والإقامة والتأمين الطبي والتسجيل وتمديد التأشيرة وإجراءات الوصول وما إلى ذلك)، السنة الثانية إلى السادسة تبلغ 6250 دولار أمريكي (شاملة الرسوم الدراسية والإقامة وغيره)

يمكن زيادة الرسوم الدراسية بنسبة 3-4 ٪ من السنة الثانية إلى الرابعة حسب الجامعة.

جامعة قازان الفيدرالية
تكاليف الدراسة بالجامعة في السنة الأولى 7200 دولار أمريكي، بدءًا من السنة الثانية إلى السادسة 6250 دولار أمريكي لكل عام، شاملة الرسوم الدراسية، الإقامة، التأمين الطبي.

جامعة القرم الفيدرالية
تبلغ تكلفة الدراسة في السنة الأولى بالجامعة 5200 دولار أمريكي، من السنة الثانية إلى السادسة 4 آلاف دولار أمريكي لكل عام. تشمل هذه الرسوم الإقامة العادية لـ3 - 4 طلاب في الغرفة حسب مساحتها، الطالب الذي يريد أن يسكن في غرفة ثنائية عليه دفع 600 دولار إضافية مقابل ذلك.

يمكن زيادة الرسوم الدراسية بنسبة 3 إلى 4% من السنة الثانية إلى السادسة حسب ما تحدده الجامعة.

جامعة كورسك الطبية الحكومية
الرسوم الإجمالية للدراسة في الجامعة تبلغ 6500 دولار أمريكي في السنة الأولى، 6200 دولار أمريكي من السنة الثانية إلى السادسة لكل عام، يشمل ذلك الرسوم الدراسية ورسوم الإقامة والتأمين الطبي.

جامعة داغستان الطبية الحكومية
تختلف الرسوم الدراسية في الجامعة حسب التخصص الطبي الذي يختاره الطالب وما إذا كان في وما إذا كان في مرحلة البكالوريوس أم الماجستير أو الدكتوراة، وتكلفة دراسة الطب العام/ طب الأطفال/ طب الأسنان، تبلغ:

- الدراسة باللغة الإنجليزية: السنة الأولى 5 آلاف دولار أمريكي، 2 إلى 6 سنوات: 4 آلاف دولار أمريكي.

اقرأ أيضا 

Studying in the Russian Federation is one of the most prestigious forms of study due to the scientific value of Russian universities, as it is one of the distinguished universities in Europe and the world.

Which makes it a destination for many Arab students in particular, and foreigners in general, due to the lower prices of study and living as well than other universities in different countries of the world.

It is worth noting that in the Russian Federation there are many foreign students from all Arab and foreign countries in all specializations and degrees.

And one of the frequently asked questions about studying in Russia

1- What is the required average for admission to Russian universities, for example, to the Faculty of Medicine in Russia, engineering majors, or other disciplines?

C- Russian universities do not require a specific rate for admission or study in undergraduate majors - or a specific estimate for graduates of postgraduate studies (Masters - PhD).

In Russia, the Russian education system allows any foreign or Russian student to enroll in any university and college he desires without being restricted to a specific rate, in other words, students They choose their colleges themselves without any hindrances.

2- What is the preparatory year and what will I study in it?!

C- The preparatory year is a year in which you study the Russian language and linguistic terms specific to the specialization that you will study, God willing.

For example: in the case of studying medicine, the preparatory year will be the study of the Russian language from the first level to the advanced.

In addition to studying biology as an additional basic subject, chemistry and physics, noting that the English language is the gateway to the basis for teaching the Russian language.

3- Is the study in Russian or English?

C - Studying in Russia in general for Russian students is available in Russian of course, but for foreign students it is available in Russian, English or French.

But not all universities, of course, study in English or any foreign language other than Russian, its cost is higher than studying in Russian.

4- I am a student in a college in a university in an Arab country. I am in the second year of college. May I transfer my studies to Russia and then continue so that I can join in the same year in the same college in Russia?

A - No - you cannot continue your studies here and in order to enroll in the same college in Russia you must start your studies from the beginning of the first year.

5- I am a student married to a wife from my country and I have children. Can I take them with me during my study period in Russia?

A - Yes, you can take your family with you.

6- Is there university housing and can a foreign student obtain it and how much does it cost annually?

A - Yes, there is university housing, and a foreign student in Russia can obtain university housing at a cost of 25-50 dollars per month, depending on the university.

But in general, you must come and apply early to reserve a room in the university dormitory early, before all places are booked.

7- Can I change the university housing system to an independent apartment, and is university housing compulsory?

A - Yes, you can change your residence to become in an independent apartment, and the university housing system is not compulsory, after obtaining residence in some universities.

Meaning, you can choose your accommodation as you wish after informing the university of the location of your residence.

8- How much does daily life cost in Russia?

A - This varies from city to city, but generally in Moscow and Saint Petersburg the cost of living is high.

As for the rest of the Russian cities, the cost is low, ranging between $250-$350 for a student who lives in university housing, and it returns to a level of luxury.

9- For Russian students, is it easy to deal and understand with them, and is there only Russian students in my group?

C - Dealing with the educated and educated class of the Russian people as students is fairly easy and they welcome foreigners.

As for the nationalities of the students that may be in your study group, they will be of different nationalities. You will find from China, India, Poland, Germany, Europe and other Arab countries.

10- What are the best studies in Russia?

C - In Russia in general medicine, engineering, science, physics, mathematics, computer engineering sciences, business administration, languages, nuclear and space sciences are among the best studies.

Orthopedics and surgery from Russia have a global reputation, as well as chemical and physical studies in specialized universities have a very high international reputation.

11- Can I visit Russia for one or two months only, as a student studying a Russian language, for example, and learn about the situation and then decide to enroll in a Russian university or not?

A - Yes, of course, you can visit Russia as a student of the Russian language in one of the institutes.

12- What are the cases in which my studies can be suspended and deported to my country?

C - Generally many cases of crime, and violation of laws may lead to the suspension of your studies and deportation to your country if your presence causes problems for society and the public.

The police may decide to deport you through the court, and you will be banned from entering Russia for at least 5 years.

13- Is there a specific time for admission to Russian universities?

A - Any foreign student coming to study in Russia needs the first preparatory year as long as he is not fluent in Russian, and enrollment in preparatory is not determined by a specific time, as you can apply at any time of the year.

14- As for spending my free time, will I find suitable places of entertainment and leisure in Russia?

A - In Russia you will find many places of leisure where in the winter you can go to the places for skiing. The high mountains around the city, covered with snow.

And watch this type of sport as you will find many museums, major commercial centers, and world-class.

In summer, autumn, and spring, you will find unusually picturesque nature, scattered parks, wonderful gardens, zoos

, amusement parks and other places of entertainment, and you can travel through the many Russian cities, each with its own feature.

15- On holidays, can I go back to my country to spend the holiday with my family and then return to Russia?

A - Yes, you can travel on holidays to your country. You can also travel at any time during your studies to your country. You only need to obtain a permit or exit permission from the university for a specific period.

16- How long does the admission procedure and the issuance of the study invitation take?

C - The admission procedures and the preparation of the study invitation take from 35 to 50 working days, except for official holidays.

Tuition fees in Russian universities:

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