أخر الاخبار

Register now Canada announces the launch of three immigration programs with easy conditions

Canada has launched three immigration programs through skilled workers to settle and live in, which is a great opportunity to register

Requirements and conditions for immigration to Canada

Employers can hire you for one of 3 programs in the Atlantic Immigration Pilot:

Atlantic High Skill Program

Atlas Intermediate Proficiency Program

Postgraduate Program 

Each program has its own requirements. These requirements cover:

The task that you will have in the county 

Your skills, experience and education

Your ability to communicate in English or French

Your ability to support yourself and your family in Canada

Your intention to reside in Atlantic County

If you are interested in the Atlantic Immigration Pilot, see if you qualify for one or more of the programs. You may be eligible for one program, but you can only apply for one

The three types of Atlantic programs for immigration to Canada 

First program

Atlantic High Skill Program

In general, you should:

Have worked in a managerial, professional or technical/skilled job for at least one year

Have at least a high school diploma or equivalent education

Take the language test to show that you can communicate in English or French

Show that you can support yourself and your family when you come to Canada

The business owner must also meet certain requirements.

second program

Atlas Intermediate Proficiency Program

In general, you should:

Have worked in a job that requires high school education and/or training for each job for at least one year

Have at least a high school diploma or equivalent education

Take the language test to show that you can communicate in English or French

Show that you can support yourself and your family when you come to Canada

The business owner must also meet certain requirements.

The third program

Atlantic International Graduate Program

In general, you should:

Hold a degree, diploma or other credential from a publicly funded institution 

Take the language test to show that you can communicate in English or French

Show that you can support yourself and your family when you come to Canada

The business owner must also meet certain requirements.

work experience

In the last three years, you must have worked at least 1,560 hours. This is the number of hours you would work in a year if you worked 30 hours a week.

This job must be in the NOC skill type/level 0, A or B.

To calculate your hours

Number of hours worked in part-time and full-time jobs

The hours should be in one profession, but it can be with different employers

These hours should pay you. Volunteering or unpaid internships do not count

Do not count free working hours

These business hours can be inside or outside Canada

Some conditions for immigration to new immigration programs


You must have one of the following

High school (secondary) or post-secondary certificate, diploma or certificate

A foreign degree, diploma, or certificate, equal to a Canadian credential. You will need an Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) report from a recognized institution to show your credentials are valid and equal to your Canadian credentials. If you already have an ECA report, it must be less than 5 years old when we receive your permanent residence application

Proof of funds: When you arrive in Canada, you must have enough money to support yourself and your family. Learn how much money you should have when you arrive in Canada.

There are other documents that you must include in your application. Each program has an application guide with a checklist of all the documents and forms that you must submit. Use the checklist to make sure you have all the documents

Link to register for the first program click here

Registration link for the second program click here

Link to register for the third program Click here

7 تعليقات
إرسال تعليق
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