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the top5 countries worth immigrating and working in 2021

the top5 countries worth immigrating and working in 2021

the top 5 countries worth immigrating and working in 2021

 1. Immigration to Switzerland:

Before migration to Susara must know it is a state occupies the first of the best centers in the world have been classified nationality second place many times, the cities  of Switzerland tourist months in Orurba of interest to many foreign tourists, and the flag of Switzerland is one of The European countries that are linked to the Schengen visa procedures, which are known as the Schengen visa, so you must, dear immigrant to Switzerland, know   how to obtain a Schengen visa when you think of traveling to Switzerland 

The Swiss people have a very high degree of culture, awareness and love for guests, and you will find the majority of the population there speak the German language, which is the most prevalent in the tourist cities of Switzerland , followed by the French language, where we find approximately 20% of the population speak French, then we find the Italian language, which is the lowest degree From the rest of the languages ​​spoken by the inhabitants of the southern regions of the country on the border with Italy.

You must bear in mind that immigration or  tourism in Switzerland has a rather high price. For example, we find that the majority of restaurants are rather expensive, where there are many luxury restaurants, so budget-conscious should avoid this cost by buying light foods from public places and eating them in the parks on the banks Lakes and rivers, for example.

Here we must point out that the cities of Switzerland are characterized by an abundance of job opportunities, and this is because it is one of the best and largest economic countries in the world.

2- Immigration to Canada:

If you are interested in immigrating to Canada, you must bear in mind that it is the second largest country in the world, and for some it is more than just a study destination in order to obtain a university degree or for a short tourism, in 2019 the number of people who chose to apply for immigration Canada has about 20 thousand and 800 people from all over the world compared to 2018.

Thus, the number will reach more than 330 thousand and 800 people during the year 2020, and this number will also increase by the end of the year 2020, bringing the number of immigrants to 341,000.

According to the population census conducted in recent years, we find that the number of individuals born to a foreign father or mother is one-fifth of the total population. It is also expected that the number of children born to foreign parents will reach half the population of Canada by 2036, and this is due to the complete ease that the Canadian government has set about immigration procedures to Canada

So that I made everyone who wants to apply for a visa to register directly on the Canadian immigration website cic 

Fill out the immigration form to Canada 2020 directly and in simple steps and wait for your application to be processed

How can I immigrate to Canada? This depends on a variety of foundations and criteria, as we find there are many immigration programs, including the migration of competencies.

3- Immigration to Germany:

Germany is one of the largest economic countries in the world, and it works to focus on its services department, including: communications, tourism and agriculture, and accordingly it has a lot of qualified competencies working globally.

If dear readers, if you are looking for an opportunity to immigrate, work or study, and are thinking of immigrating to Germany, then it is in turn looking for you as well, for its constant need for young talents who have the necessary experience and qualifications, and this is in order to face the demographic shifts that are expected to reduce its population in the coming decades.

Currently in Germany there are approximately 1.2 million vacant jobs, which is why a new law will facilitate entry into the German labor market for the skilled and qualified workforce coming from outside the European Union. It is the new immigration law. For this reason, the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy launched, through its official portal on the Internet, a campaign entitled "Here is Germany - discover your future" in order to attract and facilitate the process of obtaining a German visa with the aim of securing Germany's need for manpower.

4 - Immigration to Britain :


it was ranked fourth of the best countries in the world in 2018 in US news reports, and exceeds the criteria for Britain's classification in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in terms of personal insurance, jobs and salaries once you become a legal resident through investment immigration You can easily access free health and healthcare services for you and your family, and it also has one of the best higher education universities such as Cambridge and Oxford. How can immigration to Britain? It depends on a variety of foundations and criteria, as there are many immigration programs, including:

Immigration to Britain in order to establish projects and investment.  
Immigrate to Britain in order to search for a job. 
Immigration to Britain for education.
Immigration to Britain in order to establish projects and investment.  
Immigration to Britain because of asylum

5- Immigration to Japan:

 Japan attracts the interest of many young people in the Arab world and the whole world greatly, which is why many of them think about immigration and travel to it with the presence of many desire to reside and live in it, perhaps because of Japanese culture, or the abundance of technology in Japan and even destinations The beauty of Japanese nature, especially those who want to discover the attractions of tourism in Japan, it is no wonder that many people from all over the world choose to immigrate to Japan for work, study, or even for their tourism adventure.

They are attracted by its beautiful nature and unique culture. We find that Japan was ranked fifth in the world in US news reports, and third in the world economically in terms of job opportunities and production of products of all kinds. Given the labor shortage in their rapidly aging countries, Japan is working to attract foreign workers by allowing them to significantly increase the number of foreign workers, under a bill approved by the upper house of the Japanese Parliament that will issue more than a quarter of a million five-year visas to unskilled migrant workers. For the first time starting from 2020. 6- Immigration to Sweden:

Immigration to Sweden is a dream for many, despite the cold weather there in the winter and the long nights in most months of the year. However, Sweden is one of the most popular European countries for those wishing to migrate and asylum, thanks to the speed of procedures for granting residence, with the ease of laws related to family matters. Reunification, in addition to the value of the salary granted by the Swedish government to refugees, which is considered one of the highest salaries granted to refugees in Europe. The immigrant to Sweden is always searching for an answer to this question: ways to immigrate to Sweden? It is among the frequently asked questions among people interested in immigrating to another country

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