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Ecclesiastical sponsorship in Canada What are the conditions for obtaining ecclesiastical bail in Canada

Ecclesiastical sponsorship in Canada What are the conditions for obtaining ecclesiastical bail in Canada?


What is ecclesiastical sponsorship in Canada 

Church sponsorship is one of the ways of asylum in Canada, and it requires the presence of a Canadian citizen or the presence of a person with permanent residence in Canada, where this person will be the sponsor who will sponsor the refugee in the Canadian state, by going to a church and requesting the sponsorship of a refugee and obtaining I have permanent residence for him, and it is not required that this person be a friend or relative of the refugee

Submit an application for church sponsorship in Canada

This sponsored person will go to one of the Canadian churches authorized to sponsor to submit an application to sponsor someone who wants asylum, so that this person will obtain permanent residence according to the sponsor, and the sponsor will have to pay a sum of money to the church as accommodation costs for the refugee person, and the church will give this amount to the refugee person In the form of financial aid as monthly salaries for a year until he gets a job opportunity in Canada, and if he does not succeed in obtaining a job during this period, he can submit a request for financial aid from the Canadian government 

What are the conditions for obtaining a church sponsorship in Canada

– The main condition, as mentioned above, is the presence of a sponsor in Canada to sponsor the refugee for a period of one year, and this sponsor can be a Canadian citizen or a person who has permanent residence in Canada 

The refugee wishing to sponsor in Canada must be outside his country of origin

- That the sponsor has enough money to help the refugee stay for one year

The guarantor must submit proof that he is able to support his family after paying the specified amount to sponsor the refugee 

Note: The amount that the sponsor will have to deposit in the church, varies from one church to another and from one district to another 

Canadian churches authorized to sponsor refugees

There are many churches in Canada, but not all of them are authorized for church sponsorship for refugees, and these are the names of some churches through which church sponsorship can be obtained in Canada 

Roman Catholic Episcopal Church, Parish Company, London 

Roman Catholic Diocese of Thunder Bay 

Roman Catholic Diocese of Peterborough

Addresses of churches entitled to refugee sponsorship 


8 تعليقات
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