أخر الاخبار

Immigration to Estonia

The way to migrate to Aswania

Advantages of immigrating to Estonia

The first advantage that matters to the Arabs in Estonia, is that it gives everyone who prefers asylum to wonderful job opportunities, making them able to live in the best conditions, and not only that, but he can invest in Estonia and earn huge sums, as he becomes a contributor to the private economy of Estonia . Besides earning and finding work in Estonia, you will get used to seeing the most beautiful landscapes, and you can tour Europe for tourism only; Because you hold a European Schengen visa. You will learn about a different culture from another country, which is considered the cheapest European country to live in.

To migrate to Estonia by work

Working in Estonia, as in other European countries, requires receiving a job offer from an employer in that country; Professional migration to Estonia is also possible if the applicant has an employer who is able to enter the Estonian labor market. The duration of the visa granted by the Estonian government is 3 years and individuals can apply for residency for another 5 years after the end of this period. The average weekly working hours in Estonia is 38 hours.

Work permits are available through the following visas:

Those who obtain permanent residence in Estonia through their children or spouses can freely engage in work and pursue the profession they desire.

The categories that are allowed to reside in Estonia are: lawyers, investors, scientists, as well as medical professionals, people with experience and skills in the field of medicine; University professors and teachers can also work in the country with the legal permission of the Estonian Migration Board.

People who come to Estonia on a study visa can obtain a work permit from the local immigration office and temporarily enter the labor market in Estonia.

Immigration to Estonia by study

The Estonian government has provided university applicants with the opportunity to study in the best universities in the country, and students with a diploma can go to Estonia to continue their studies. Bachelor’s studies are free in Estonia and take 3 to 4 years in engineering fields; The Estonian government has allocated €350 per month as a scholarship for most academic courses. Given that studying in Estonia does not require a language certificate at first, it seems that the conditions for studying in Estonia are easier compared to other countries.

Masters studies in Estonia are also available for international students; The tuition fee in Estonia depends on the branch and the university, and it varies between 4000 and 5000 euros per year and the cost of living in the country is about 500-600 euros per month.

Estonia is a good place to apply for international students because there is no need to provide IELTS and TOFEL language qualifications;

It is possible to study at the doctoral level in Estonia. Education in Estonia is in English, Estonian and Russian. The PhD stage takes 3 years in the country and applicants with scientific articles and thesis can continue their studies if they pass the entrance exam.

Immigration to Estonia by Investment

Registering a company is one of the ways to obtain residency in Estonia and thus obtain European residency. The general rule is that the applicant submits the company's business plan to the Estonian Chamber of Commerce and begins his business if the plan is approved by the relevant authorities. Registering a company in Estonia requires €2,500; It takes 7 to 8 months to obtain temporary residence by registering a company in Estonia; It is also possible to obtain permanent residence after 5 years if all requirements are met and taxes are paid regularly; It costs a lot to register a company and invest in Estonia, and it is not recommended to do this method except for those who have high experience and skills in the field of investment.

Immigration to Estonia through marriage

Obtaining residence in Estonia through marriage is one of the ways to immigrate to Estonia. Marrying an Estonian citizen and obtaining citizenship in this country is a process with several stages.

In this way, it is important to prove the purpose of marriage with an Estonian citizen. The applicant must prove to the Estonian embassy that obtaining residence and citizenship is not the only goal of marriage, but that he really intends to marry an Estonian citizen. The general rule is that the applicant resides in this country for 5 years, then can apply for permanent residence in this country.

Migration to Estonia by birth

The Estonian state grants citizenship to newborns on the basis of the blood law. It can be said that most countries of the world adhere to the principle of blood law for the granting of citizenship. Under this law, Estonian citizenship will be transferred to children whose parents have at least one of the citizenships of this country.

This is, of course, mentioned in Estonian law (if the parents' nationality is different, a child after the age of 18 can apply for citizenship in Estonia or in another country). A child can have Estonian citizenship regardless of the place of birth.

Those born before January 1, 1990 receive a long-term residence permit.

Immigration to Estonia via asylum

Another way that people may want to obtain residency in Estonia is asylum. A refugee is defined as every person who is outside his country of nationality for fear of persecution in his country, for reasons related to his race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group, or political opinions; The States Parties to the Geneva Convention shall, in accordance with their obligation, support these persons. There are many people who apply for asylum to the states parties to this agreement on the basis of the incorrect procedures they take in their countries. However, this method carries with it many risks and difficulties, which prevent applicants from thinking about this method.

While Estonia receives a significant number of refugees, as is the case in other European countries, their number has increased recently. Estonia provides housing and financial assistance to refugees once every two years. It also provides some assistance such as language courses, an interpreter and assistance in finding a suitable job for refugees. Estonia has a bilateral refugee relocation agreement with Turkey and Greece. Most refugees return to their countries of origin after gaining asylum due to the cold climate and low-income jobs.

Immigration to Estonia and living expenses

Regarding the cost of living in Estonia, it can be said that it is not very different from Russia; However, the applicants do not accept to immigrate to Russia because of the high cost of living, which caused many of them to immigrate to Estonia instead of Russia. Below is a table on the cost of goods and services in Estonia.

Immigration to Estonia and obtaining citizenship

One of the most important issues in immigration to Estonia is the issue of the residence permit. The residence permit in Estonia requires taking into account the annual quota of immigration to Estonia through asylum, since the volume of asylum in Estonia should not exceed 5.1% of the permanent population of Estonia. Another important point in obtaining an Estonia passport is the need to revoke the applicant's previous citizenship, because Estonia does not accept dual citizenship. Those who intend to legally acquire citizenship must renounce their previous citizenship. The residence of the asylum seeker must be registered with the Estonian Population Registry. In order to obtain a passport, he must hold a level B1 of the Estonian language and must have an Estonian language certificate for citizenship.

After 8 years of residence in Estonia, with a permanent residence permit for 5 years, it is possible to obtain Estonian citizenship 

and passport

The site for those who are interested in registering 

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