A chance to win $1 million for Australians who will be vaccinated against COVID-19!!


A chance to win $1 million for Australians who will be vaccinated against COVID-19!!

A chance to win a million dollars for Australians who will be vaccinated against COVID-19!!


Australians who will be vaccinated against COVID-19 stand a chance to win $1 million thanks to a new campaign dedicated to accelerating vaccination rates in the country.

The Million Dollar Vax campaign will award a total of $4.1 million in prizes to people who will be vaccinated in the next four and a half weeks.

Gifts worth $1,000 will be given to subscribers daily in addition to the final prize of $1 million, which will be awarded on November 5.

The campaign is the work of the Million Dollar Vax Alliance, a collaboration between philanthropists and companies who want to raise vaccination rates more than 80% as quickly as possible.

Jack Heath, chief executive of Philanthropy Australia, said the campaign would help save lives and ease the burden on healthcare workers.

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