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Germany is looking for immigrants

Germany is looking for immigrants.

 Germany is one of the most attractive countries in the world for immigrants from all over the world due to its thriving economy, strong education system and excellent job opportunities in addition to the monthly net income of an average family of about 3,399 euros, and because the German government has facilitated immigration procedures for skilled and skilled workers from outside the European Union.

In this article, we will talk about everything related to immigration to Germany in terms of procedures, conditions, and others, as well as the truth about the lottery for immigration to Germany 2022/2021 that has been promoted by many websites on the Internet 

The lottery for immigration to Germany 2022-2021

We have all heard of the lottery for immigration to America, which is organized every year by the US government, but no one has heard of the so-called lottery for immigration to Germany, which is circulated in some untrue websites. I think this sums up the fact that there is no such thing as a lottery for immigration to Germany because there is no such thing as a system of immigration by lottery to any other countries in the world 

But this does not mean that immigration to Germany is difficult or not worth the trouble. There are multiple ways of immigration imposed by law in Germany, which are organized by the German Ministry of Affairs and Immigration, and the application for immigration to Germany is through many legitimate ways. In the rest of the article, we will refer to 

Conditions for immigration to Germany

Migration routes to Germany

Links for those wishing to immigrate to Germany 2022 through work 

How to obtain permanent residence in Germany 

Conditions for immigration to Germany

In order to immigrate to Germany, there are some simple conditions, although there have been many changes in the rules of travel and immigration to Europe, such as the new law for obtaining a work visa in Germany for the year 2022, which entered into force last March, but it will remain simple and easy conditions for immigration to Germany, which are as follows 

Your proof of financial stability

There are multiple ways to immigrate to Germany that we cannot mention in one article (but we will try), and each method has a specific amount of money that you must have to prove your ability to finance yourself while you are in Germany, even if your purpose is work. You have to finance yourself to get your first salary 

Have health insurance

The German authorities require all residents within the borders of its territory, and even visitors, to have a valid health insurance during the period of stay or visit in its territory. For those wishing to immigrate to Germany, obtaining German health insurance would be a better solution because foreign health insurance may not be approved by the German authorities 

Speak German

To immigrate to Germany, the immigrant must speak the German language, so everyone who wants to immigrate to Germany is required to take a proficiency test in the German language. In Germany, they must pass an advanced level C1 or C2 

But according to what was stated in a blog post for Al Jazeera Net

The German language is no longer a requirement for those wishing to study, as there are more than 160 bachelor's majors in German universities, and about 1,100 master's programs, most of which are in English. Also, the wives and husbands of the beneficiaries of the "Blue Card" immigration procedures are not required to know the German language 

Obtaining a visa to enter Germany

For citizens of Arab countries to enter Germany, but after obtaining a visa to allow this, they can later apply for permanent residence in Germany. These are the types of visas available 

Tourist / Visitor VISA.

Business VISA.

Study visa in Germany 

Job Seeker Visa.

Working (Employment) VISA.

Guest Scientist Visa.

Training/Internship Visa. 

Migration routes to Germany

Every immigrant has a convincing reason to leave his country of origin, and to immigrate to Germany you need a convincing reason, so the most important ways to immigrate to Germany are as follows 

Immigration to Germany for work 

 Germany has eased the conditions associated with immigration to Germany for the purpose of work, so that immigration to Germany through work has become more widespread and better 

Immigration to Germany to study


Perhaps many are ignorant that higher education in Germany does not require a huge wealth like America or other countries in the world, the registration fees in German universities are very low or non-existent. So, in order to obtain permanent residence in Germany by studying, you will have to obtain a study visa in Germany until the end of your study period, and then you can search for work after obtaining a work permit and settling in Germany  

Immigration to Germany for investment

If you have money to invest and want to immigrate to Germany, Germany will welcome you and put you in the category of businessmen and investors to obtain a business visa. But some conditions and proofs must be met in order to be able to do so, which are 

Having sufficient funding for the project

Your project will serve the German economy

Your investment is required in Germany

After three years, you can get unlimited permanent residence in Germany 

Immigration to Germany with the aim of reunification 

Perhaps some may arrive in Germany in different ways, leaving their families in their home countries. Therefore, Germany provides the opportunity for both husbands and wives or children under 16 years of age residing in its land, after submitting an application to immigrate to Germany and meeting their families 

After spouses prove their marriage, children must also submit birth certificates proving their relationship to their parents.

How to obtain permanent residence in Germany 

In the event of marrying a German girl or a foreigner with German citizenship, it is possible to apply for German citizenship, as is the case after the expiry of three years of your stay in German territory. As for permanent residence, the expiry of one year of your work in the social field in Germany will enable you to apply for permanent residence in Germany after proving your ability to integrate into German society as indicated by your employer 

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