If you have a license to drive large or small trucks and are able to endure long
distances and want to immigrate to Canada for the purpose of obtaining a job as a “professional driver” with an important and attractive salary, this is your chance.
Because of the tough working conditions that few Canadians can handle, this country suffers from a severe shortage of drivers, estimated at 48,000 drivers, according to the Truck Drivers’ Association. Despite the attractive salary for drivers in Canada, which ranges between 50 million and 90 million centimes per year, this incentive failed to bring professional drivers.
The duration of continuous work for drivers in Canada is 12 days, in which they travel thousands of kilometers before having a vacation of 3 days only in order to catch a breath and renew activity, ready to work again.
In order to solve the problem of the driver shortage in Canada, a program to train immigrant drivers who came from different countries of the flag was organized by the Truck Drivers Association, where only 400 drivers who were able to bear the length of the road were graduated in the period between 2015 and 2018.
John Beaudry, founder of Transport Training Centers, says that working as a driver in Canada despite its difficulty is that it is enjoyable and makes the driver learn about the various Canadian cities and provinces and enjoy their beauty in addition to the fact that the salary is very important and motivates young people to take on adventure, especially bachelors.
Employers of freight transport companies in Canada find it difficult to find drivers, and most of the workers in these companies are old and close to retirement, which makes them unable to bear the hardships of travel, and most of them are a family and find it difficult to be absent from home for a long time.
Drivers work in several fields, there are those who prefer to work in transporting trees from the forests to the factories, and there are those who prefer to transport goods and goods inside or outside Canada, noting that about 70 Canadian trucks work outside the borders, which requires a passport and a clean criminal record. This is why transport companies prefer to work as drivers over immigrants to employ people who will no longer be involved in crimes or have passed through prison institutions.
A young Canadian says that he left his job as a truck driver a short time ago and became a cashier in one of the major supermarkets in the capital due to the long working hours and absence from the family for a period of more than 10 days, and it is known that Canadian society loves change and does not prefer to stay in a job for a period Long as Canadians soon think of changing their jobs and taking another experience to break their routine.
A good and attractive salary for a truck driver is matched by hard and tiring work in conditions that can be described as harsh. Few can bear it. The addition of a machine along the road and the lack of rest stations for trucks becomes more difficult with the onset of winter and snowfall, not to mention the strict rules and controls imposed on professional drivers. All these factors made this sector suffer from a severe shortage of manpower and made Canadian officials seek help from immigrants to overcome this shortage that threatens the transport and logistical sector in the country.
If you want to immigrate to Canada to work as a professional driver, there are several sites on the Internet that help you do that. You only have to visit and register by filling in investments, or you can visit one of the specialized agencies in immigration. Submit the application via Canadian job sites
Highlights of the jobs available in Canada at the moment and online presentation from here
? What are Truck Driver Work Permit Canada Requirements
Interested candidates must fulfil all eligibility criteria as mentioned in ‘truck driver work permit Canada requirements’ in order to successfully migrate to Canada and achieve their goals and dreams. Some of the basic eligibility criteria are —
→ Work experience of two years as a Truck Driver in Gulf country
→ Must have Truck Driver visa and Gulf country license
→ Senior secondary education (10+2)
→ Proficiency in English – Speaking, Reading Listening and Writing, or Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) 5: Reading – 4 band, Listening – 5 band, Speaking – 5 band and Writing – 5 band
→ Visa application should be endorsed by a designated Canadian employer having positive Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) issued by the Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)
→ Sufficient funds
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